What are the main characters in DreamWorks' Puss In Boots: The Last Wish?

CBy Chloe GarciaSep. 04, 2024
What are the main characters in DreamWorks' Puss In Boots: The Last Wish?
No. 1 /8

Who is the main character of the movie?

No. 2 /8

Which character is Puss in Boots' love interest?

No. 3 /8

What is the name of the character who represents a significant threat to Puss?

No. 4 /8

Who is the leader of the three bears in the movie?

No. 5 /8

Which character is portrayed as a villain in the film?

No. 6 /8

What role does the character Mama Luna play?

No. 7 /8

Who embarks on the quest with Puss in Boots?

No. 8 /8

Which character has a personal vendetta against Puss in Boots?


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