Can You Identify the Disney Character Through These Emojis?

ABy Aria PerezSep. 04, 2024
Can You Identify the Disney Character Through These Emojis?
No. 1 /8

👑🔮🐻 What Disney character is represented by these emojis?

No. 2 /8

👸🏻🥀🐑 Who does this emoji represent?

No. 3 /8

🐭👗🎉 Identify the character from these emojis.

No. 4 /8

🐸👑✨ Who is depicted by these emojis?

No. 5 /8

🚢🧞‍♂️🌊 Which character is represented here?

No. 6 /8

🧚🪄🌿 Identify the Disney character through these emojis.

No. 7 /8

🦁👶🚼 Who is this Disney character?

No. 8 /8

🦁👑🌍 Which Disney character is it?


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