How Much Do You Know About Fairy Tale Characters?

No. 1 /10
What animal is the character Puss in Boots?
No. 2 /10
Which character is famously known for living in a shoe?
No. 3 /10
Who is the villain in the story of Snow White?
No. 4 /10
What is the name of the girl who lost her glass slipper at the ball?
No. 5 /10
Which character is known for climbing a beanstalk to a giant's castle?
No. 6 /10
In which fairy tale does a character spin straw into gold?
No. 7 /10
Which character has a fairy godmother?
No. 8 /10
Who is the hero in the tale of 'The Three Little Pigs'?
No. 9 /10
What color is the dress that Little Red Riding Hood wears?
No. 10 /10