Only a True '80s Fan Can Identify These Classic Teen Movies!

MBy Mila BaileySep. 04, 2024
Only a True '80s Fan Can Identify These Classic Teen Movies!
No. 1 /7

Which movie features a group of high school friends who make a pact to lose their virginity by prom night?

No. 2 /7

In which film do two high school students swap identities during a school assignment?

No. 3 /7

What is the name of the dance featured prominently in 'Dirty Dancing'?

No. 4 /7

Which movie features a nerdy guy transforming into the popular kid with the help of a makeover?

No. 5 /7

What iconic song is featured in the movie 'The Breakfast Club'?

No. 6 /7

In 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off', what does Ferris pretend to be sick from?

No. 7 /7

Which classic '80s teen movie includes a character named Sam Baker?


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