If You Agree With Most Statements, You Might Be On The Autism Spectrum!

ABy Aria PerezSep. 04, 2024
If You Agree With Most Statements, You Might Be On The Autism Spectrum!
No. 1 /8

I often find it hard to understand others' feelings.

No. 2 /8

I prefer to spend time alone rather than with others.

No. 3 /8

I have difficulty making eye contact during conversations.

No. 4 /8

I get overwhelmed in large social gatherings.

No. 5 /8

I struggle with changes in my routine.

No. 6 /8

I often focus intensely on my interests or hobbies.

No. 7 /8

I find it difficult to understand social cues or jokes.

No. 8 /8

I prefer clear and direct communication over vague or implied messages.


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