What are the symptoms of PTSD?

ABy Anna WoodSep. 04, 2024
What are the symptoms of PTSD?
No. 1 /7

Which of the following is a re-experiencing symptom of PTSD?

No. 2 /7

What emotional symptom might someone with PTSD experience?

No. 3 /7

Which of these is a common avoidance symptom in PTSD?

No. 4 /7

What is a physiological symptom that may occur with PTSD?

No. 5 /7

Which behavior is a sign of increased arousal in PTSD?

No. 6 /7

What cognitive symptom may affect someone with PTSD?

No. 7 /7

Which of the following might indicate a negative alteration in mood and cognition?


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