How Much Do You Know About The History Of Sonic The Hedgehog? Challenge Your Knowledge!

SBy Sarah DavisSep. 04, 2024
How Much Do You Know About The History Of Sonic The Hedgehog? Challenge Your Knowledge!
No. 1 /7

When was the first Sonic The Hedgehog game released?

No. 2 /7

What was the original color of Sonic's shoes during his first game?

No. 3 /7

Who is Sonic's arch-rival known for his speed and attitude?

No. 4 /7

What is the name of the planet where Sonic and his friends live?

No. 5 /7

Which character is known for collecting rings and has the ability to fly?

No. 6 /7

In which game did Sonic first appear in 3D?

No. 7 /7

What is the main goal of Sonic in most of his games?


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